[17's] 為了克拉們今天一天也努力工作的SEVENTEEN >_< #是魚餌 #我_男人的_business #認真工作的 _Seventeen #臉蛋也_工作中

[BONGBONG NEWS]棒棒的第五篇日記。和淨漢哥一起散步囉>_< 聽說韓國下雨了克拉們雨天的路要小心喔! #棒棒 #seventeen #散步中的_淨漢_棒棒 #seventeen和_克拉 #一起走吧
[BONGBONG NEWS] BONG BONG's 5th diary. I came out to have a walk with JEONGHAN >_< I heard that Korea is raining cats and dogs, make sure to be careful on rainy days! #BONGBONG #SEVENTEEN #a_walk_with_JOENGHAN_BONGBONG #SEVENTEEN&CARAT_walking_along #together

[17'S]找找消失的Joshua! Shua在哪~~?! 原來找了許久的shua 在衣櫥中裝作衣服好一陣子! #躲著的_shua_找找 #捉迷藏 #shua不見 #這樣_可愛_也可以嗎
[17'S] Finding JOSHUA! JOSHUA, where are you~~?! Finally, we found that he was hiding in the closet! #finding_JOSH #hide_and_seek #JOSHs_gone #how_can_he_be_so_cute

[17'S Joshua]天氣也好風也很適當想到我們克拉♡ #度過_好好的_一天 #一起_玩_捉迷藏吧
[17'S JOSHUA] The weather is fine. And we miss our CARATs so much♡ #have_a_nice_day #lets_play_hide_and_seek